The Battle of Corinth happened in 146 BC was a battle fought between the Roman Republic and the Greek state of Corinth and its allies in the Achaean League.
At the regular meeting of the league in May 146 BC, in Corinth, the Roman delegates were insulted, threated and when they complained of the treatment they received, they were virtually chased out of the meeting by the mob assembled for the occasion by the anti-Roman faction.
Upon received the news, the Roman Senate ordered Lucius Mummius the consul of 146 BC, to lead a fleet and land-force against Achaeans.
The Romans defeated and destroyed their main rival in the Mediterranean, Carthage, and spent the following months in provoking the Greeks.
The Roman consul Mummius, with 23,000 infantry and 3,500 cavalry (probably two legions plus Italian allies) with an unspecified number of Cretans archers and Pergamese contingent sent for Pergamon by King Attalus, advanced into the Peloponnese against the revolutionary Achaean government.
The Achaean general Diaeus prepared to defend Corinth. But popular terror had succeeded to popular passion. Diaeus camped at Corinth with 14,000 infantry and 600 cavalry (plus possibly some survivors of another army that had been defeated earlier).
The overbold and partly untrained army of Diaeus met the Romans in open battles in the isthmus at a place called Leucopetra. The result was an overwhelming defeat for the Achaeans.
Diaeus, who had fought fled in despair to his native city of Megalopolis. He killed his wife that she might not become the slave of a Roman and having himself take poison, he set fire to his house.
Three days after the battle, Mummius entered the defenseless city of Corinth, and ordered it to be plundered and destroyed by fire; all the male inhabitants were put to the sword and all the women and children as well as the remaining slaves were sold.
Battle of Corinth (146 BC)
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