The Battle of Idomene was a battle between Athenians and the Ambracians in 426 BC. The battle was a second victory in three days won by Demosthenes against the Ambraciots in the northwest of Greece.
Shortly after the battle of Olpae, Demosthenes learned of the approach of a large number of Ambraciots reinforcements and sent troops to occupy strong positions and roads along their route.
These men took command of the higher hill without the knowledge of the Ambraciots below. Demosthenes was now ready to use all the had learned about mountain fighting and unorthodox tactis.
He attacked Ambraciots just before dawn. Many Ambraciots were killed on the spot. The remainder fled in all directions among the neighboring mountains, none knowing the roads and the country. Many other perished in the unfamiliar land of Amphiloichia at the hands of locals who lay in ambush on the roads and other escape routes.
Battle of Idomene in 426 BC
Blueberries and Their Historical Context in Greek and Roman Eras
The history of blueberries during the Greek and Roman eras remains
ambiguous, largely because blueberries, as we know them today, are native
to North Ameri...